Goats Herd Philosophy Reservations Resources |
Reservations & Pricing Reservations We take reservations for kid goats with a $50 deposit for doelings/bucklings ($40 for wethers) made payable to Foggy River Farm. If you are reserving a dam-raised kid, the kid will go home at 2-3 months old disbudded, wormed (with a natural herbal wormer), vaccinated for CDT and castrated (if wether). If you are reserving a bottle-raised kid, you will be responsible for the second CDT vaccination - and also for feeding the baby for the first two months of his or her life! We prefer to let the mamas raise the babies, as most breeders agree that they're more vigorous and healthy this way - but we'll consider bottle-raised babies on a case-by-case basis if you have a strong reason for wanting a bottle-raised kid. A goat needs to have a companion to live a healthy life (they are highly social animals), so we only sell single kids if there is at least one other goat who will be joining them at their new home. Discounts are available for purchase of companion wethers.